These are the line names of Phi Iota Iota Chapter Members

Fall 1996 The Faultless Four Who Wanted Some More
- Barney Spear - Bartender
- Sheldon Moss - RAS
- Rodrek Williams - Quevorkian
- Keino Turner - Walking Tall
Spring 1998 8 Sons of No Limit Destruction
- Traig Varnado - Pimp Dog
- Felters Veal - Brillo
- Dennis Johnson - Helter Skelter
- John Sargent - Confuscious
- Nathan Favaroth - Hyper-Q
- Jomo Fuller - EjacQuelator
- Franklin Thomas - Tarzan
- Leo Franklin - Enforcer
Spring 1999 Lethal Weapon Five
- Kendall Bazille - Azphalt
- Alvin Henry - Howitzer
- Joseph Alvarez - MacQuevelli
- Carlos Amos - Backbone
- Charles Harris - POW
Summer 1999
- J’mal Stewart - Bulldozer
Spring 2000 Quellineum Eight
- Derrick Lamothe - ExeQuetor
- James Harris - Headcase
- Damon Roso - Trilogy
- James Thoxton - Blackout
- Darwin Dawson - Concrete
- Ricardo Wilson - Heatmizer
- Nakia Mitchell - Mad Max
- Louis Lumpkins - Final Conflict
Summer 2000 My Time To Shine
- Cornell Rowel - Lonestar
Spring 2001 Ten Multiple Complications of War
- Paul Mitchell - Lurch
- Joe Rhyans - Stealth
- Micheal Watts - Two-Face
- Xavier Bryant - Trauma
- Byron Wilson - Wishbone
- Jori Riley - Ambush
- Carlos Robinson - Teflon
- Adonis Expose - Ambassador
- Whitney Joseph - Maximus
- Justin Roberts - Defcon-5
Spring 2003 Three Psychotic Hounds from Hell
- Travis Dixon - Schizophrenic
- James Harper - Master Mind
- Theophillis Worrell - Assassin
Spring 2004 Under Questruction
- Lance Rodney - SheetRoQ
- Alvin Watts - QuebyFo'
Fall 2007 Cloak and Dagger
- Ruffin Mitchell - Quetanic
- Athan Oliver - ZydeQue
Spring 2009 The Bucket List Four
- Harry Francois - Hard Drive
- Derrick Shields - Hand Gernade
- Jerry Gair - High Voltage
- Todd Ruben - Heat
Summer 2010 Six Sons of Invictus
- Arther Williams – Mongrel
- Rodrick Tate – Night Vision
- Shawn Jordan – Mamba
- Eric Wright - Abstract
- Jarvis Jones – Recon
- Jabbar Juluke - Bambata
Fall 2011 The Lethal Centennial Six
- Ben Hawkins – Landmind
- Ron Tassin - Backblast
- Shawn Washington - Crossfire
- Kevin Stamp - InQueruptible
- Allen Brown - Roadblock
- Derek Edinburgh - Seawolf
Spring 13: 7 Sons of WreQUEnin
- Derek Villavaso – Genesis
- Carlos Hampton – WreQuelator
- Stanford Williams - Exodus
- Larry Lavallais – Questone
- Ryan Johnson – Querageous
- Derron Cook – BloQuehouse
- Ajenavi Eziemefe - ApoQuelypse
- Corbin Burns – WoodstoQ
- Jordan Sennet – CinderbloQ
- Chris Quest – Viper
- David Abdullah – VerdiQ
- Julius Elmore - Time Bomb
- Marrious Berry – HerQueLes
- Corey Valdary - Black Rhino
Spring 17: "7 Lethal Wonders of Omega"
- Rashad Stewart –Capone
- Jeromey Scroggins – QUEduceus
- Roy Shepherd, Jr– Grizzly Bear
- Floyd Griffin, Jr. – QUEseverance
- Rudy Brown - Nar-QUE-Lepsy
- Eddie Dollis, Jr. – QUEruption
- Shawn McCoy - Desert Shield
Spring 19: "6 Lethal Savage Souls"
- Byron A Adams, Jr. –QUEball
- Sheldon D. Cannon, III – Adjuster
- Reginald Cockerham – RadioQUE
- Keith J. Morgan, II – QUEmunicator
- Joshua M. Turner - OverDose
- Lawrence E. Pendleton – EarthQuake
Spring 22: "5 Souls of Lethal Destruction "
- Trevor James –Qlutch
- Ashley Levy – WrecQage
- Jeremiah Jackson – ChaotiQ
- Lewis Logan III – RoQue Solid
- Torrey Williams - FreaQy Tail